The Young Investigators Network Group aims
to foster deeper and more frequent exchanges among the new generation of
alcohol, drug and traffic safety experts.
Specifically, it aims to: 1) promote research conducted by early-career
scientists, clinicians, policymakers, and health care professionals within the
ICADTS community; 2) integrate the interests of young investigators within
ICADTS objectives; 3) develop an online platform for networking and
collaboration among international young investigators; 4) provide better
opportunities for networking, mentoring and training for young investigators in
the field; and 5) attract new young investigators and promote their active
involvement in ICADTS.
We consider Young Investigators as a
researcher under the age of 40, no matter their years of experience in the
field. Young Investigators from all countries are encouraged to integrate this
group. Specific actions of our agenda will be developed, according to members’
priorities and needs.